
Search using commands, scripts, structures, or sequences.

Command-Based Searching

Script-Based Searching

  • Script-Based Searching Overview

    STN scripting is a mini programming language used to write a repeatable and adaptable series of commands and statements. Scripts can be...

  • Importing a Script

    STNext enables you to import a .txt, .sc, .scb, .data script file in three ways: Session window: Click the Import button under Scripts...

  • Creating a Script

    You may write a script directly in STNext or create a search script from an imported list of terms. Writing a Script File in STNext Cl...

  • Running a Script

    After you've imported a script, STNext enables you to run it in two ways: Clicking the Run button under Scripts > Recent Scripts in th...

  • Script Language Components

    Script language is composed of "commands" and "values." Commands are words that have special meaning in script language. Values are pie...

  • Script Commands and Statements

    Some of the commands used in the STN script statements are listed below in alphabetical order: ANALYZE: Extract up to 50,000 terms fr...

See all 10 articles

Structure-Based Searching

  • Structure-Based Searching Overview

    To search databases using a chemical structure: Draw a structure or import a structure file: Draw: Drawing and Editing Structures ...

  • Importing a Structure File

    There are two ways to import a structure file into STNext: Clicking the Import Structure button on the My Files > Structures page Clic...

  • Drawing and Editing Structures

    Use the Structure Editor within STNext to draw and edit structures; the below videos demonstrate using the Structure Editor and its fea...

  • Uploading a Structure

    There are two ways to upload a structure file into STNext: Clicking the Upload button on the My Files > Structures page Clicking the U...

  • Searching DWPI Chemical Fragmentation Codes

    STNext can translate a structure into corresponding alphanumeric fragmentation codes and search them against the WPIX or WPIDS files vi...

  • Structure Search Options in STNext

    There are four structure search options in STNext: exact, family, closed substructure, and substructure. Structure Search Type Retri...

See all 7 articles

Sequence-Based Searching

  • Sequence-Based Searching Overview

    You may search databases using sequences: Import a sequence .txt file. The sequence formats supported by STNext include plain text, F...

  • Importing a Sequence File

    The following sequence formats saved as a .txt file are supported by STNext: plain text, FASTA, GENBANK, and EMBL. There are two ways t...

  • Uploading a Sequence File

    There are two ways to upload a sequence in STNext: Clicking the Upload button in the Edit Sequence windowNote: Any edits you make to t...

  • Editing a Sequence File

    There are two ways to access the sequence file editing function: Clicking the stored sequence file's Edit button on the My Files > Str...

  • Downloading a Sequence File

    Downloading a Sequence File from the Edit Sequence Window Click the Download icon in the Edit Sequence window to download the sequence ...

  • Sequence File Errors

    Multiple Sequences Detected When a sequence file is imported that has multiple sequences, a "Multiple sequences detected" error message...

See all 7 articles