Search using commands, scripts, structures, or sequences.
Command-Based Searching
Opening Databases and Clusters to Search
The Databases tab lists databases (files) and clusters available for searching: To view information about a database or cluster, click...
Entering Commands on the Command Line
Enter STN commands and values at the prompt and click the Submit button to open database(s) and enter queries. There is a 292-characte...
Using the Command Window: Entering STN Commands and Running Simple Scripts
The Command Window contains all of the STN commands issued during the search session and runs a list of STN commands and simple scripts...
Adding CAS Lexicon Terms to Your Search
The CAS Lexicon tab enables you to search the CAS Lexicon and add terms. The major components are a Concept/General Subject vocabulary;...
Using Search Assistants
Click the arrow () in the lower left-hand corner of the main STNext window to access the Author, Subject, and Organization search assis...
Script-Based Searching
Script-Based Searching Overview
STN scripting is a mini programming language used to write a repeatable and adaptable series of commands and statements. Scripts can be...
Importing a Script
STNext enables you to import a .txt, .sc, .scb, .data script file in three ways: Session window: Click the Import button under Scripts...
Creating a Script
You may write a script directly in STNext or create a search script from an imported list of terms. Writing a Script File in STNext Cl...
Running a Script
After you've imported a script, STNext enables you to run it in two ways: Clicking the Run button under Scripts > Recent Scripts in th...
Script Language Components
Script language is composed of "commands" and "values." Commands are words that have special meaning in script language. Values are pie...
Script Commands and Statements
Some of the commands used in the STN script statements are listed below in alphabetical order: ANALYZE: Extract up to 50,000 terms fr...
Structure-Based Searching
Structure-Based Searching Overview
To search databases using a chemical structure: Draw a structure or import a structure file: Draw: Drawing and Editing Structures ...
Importing a Structure File
There are two ways to import a structure file into STNext: Clicking the Import Structure button on the My Files > Structures page Clic...
Drawing and Editing Structures
Use the Structure Editor within STNext to draw and edit structures; the below videos demonstrate using the Structure Editor and its fea...
Uploading a Structure
There are two ways to upload a structure file into STNext: Clicking the Upload button on the My Files > Structures page Clicking the U...
Searching DWPI Chemical Fragmentation Codes
STNext can translate a structure into corresponding alphanumeric fragmentation codes and search them against the WPIX or WPIDS files vi...
Structure Search Options in STNext
There are four structure search options in STNext: exact, family, closed substructure, and substructure. Structure Search Type Retri...
Sequence-Based Searching
Sequence-Based Searching Overview
You may search databases using sequences: Import a sequence .txt file. The sequence formats supported by STNext include plain text, F...
Importing a Sequence File
The following sequence formats saved as a .txt file are supported by STNext: plain text, FASTA, GENBANK, and EMBL. There are two ways t...
Uploading a Sequence File
There are two ways to upload a sequence in STNext: Clicking the Upload button in the Edit Sequence windowNote: Any edits you make to t...
Editing a Sequence File
There are two ways to access the sequence file editing function: Clicking the stored sequence file's Edit button on the My Files > Str...
Downloading a Sequence File
Downloading a Sequence File from the Edit Sequence Window Click the Download icon in the Edit Sequence window to download the sequence ...
Sequence File Errors
Multiple Sequences Detected When a sequence file is imported that has multiple sequences, a "Multiple sequences detected" error message...