Patents Overview
Within an L-number, click an answer patent number to: Creating a Prior Art Analysis: Generate a prior art result set for patents in t...
Viewing Patents
When viewing patent references from your CAplus, HCAplus, or ZCAplus search, you can click one of the options described below to view t...
Generate Prior Art Analysis
Conduct a search in CAplus, HCAplus, or ZCAplus. Display the retrieved record(s). Click the patent number, and then select Get Prior A...
Using the PatentPak™ Interactive Viewer
Patents that have been annotated by CAS analysts to help identify locations of the most important chemistry are viewable in the PatentP...
View National Patent Register Links
With the Register Links option in STNext, you can access direct links to register entries for: National or regional patent authorities...
Viewing Claims with the Interactive Claims Viewer
Conduct a search in PCTFULL, EPFULL, or JPFULL. Display the retrieved record(s). Click the patent number, and then select Claims Viewe...