Viewing Patents

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When viewing patent references from your CAplus, HCAplus, or ZCAplus search, you can click one of the options described below to view the full text of the patent or one of the Patent Family members when PatentPakTM support is available. The display options are:
  • PatentPak PDF: Original, clean PDF from the PatentPak library.
  • PatentPak PDF+: PDF supplemented with a table designed to simplify access to the chemistry within the patent. Substances represented in the table include marker number, page references, CAS Registry Number® identifiers, chemical names, and chemical structures. The marker number corresponds to the annotation number on the referred page.
  • PatentPak Interactive: Interactive version of the PDF that has been annotated by CAS analysts to help identify locations of the most important chemistry and is used in conjunction with the PatentPak Interactive viewer. Within the Viewer, a collection of substances is presented with clickable location markers to enable navigation to the position where the substance is discussed in the patent. You will also be provided with the substance structure, CAS Registry Number, and additional page references, subject to their availability. For select patent offices, locations from Claims will be uniquely identified.
  1. Conduct a search in a PatentPak-supported file (e.g., CAplus).
  2. Display the retrieved record(s).
  3. Click one of the PatentPak links. Links appear in the PatentPak drop-down menu (Enhanced View ON) or at the top of the displayed record (Enhanced View OFF).  They can also be found in the PatentPak column under the PatentPak Patent Information (PPPI) section.

    Enhanced View ON
    Enhanced View OFF
  4. The PDF opens in the active browser (review descriptions above).

    PatentPak PDF
    PatentPak PDF+
    PatentPak Interactive
  5. For PDF or PDF+, use your PDF browser functions to save, print, navigate, or resize the patent PDF.

    For PatentPak interactive, use the tools to:
    1. Identify the CAS Registry Numbers and view the structures for key substances.
    2. Jump directly to the Analyst Markup Location for the substance in the marked patent document.
    3. Navigate to the pages in the marked patent and zoom the displayjump to the first claim in the patent (for US and Chinese patents only).
    4. Download the marked patent as a PDF file with or without the location markers and key substance information.

Review Using the PatentPakTM Interactive Viewer for more specific information on the Viewer's capabilities.


  • PDF links remain active while you are online and for an additional 365 days in a saved transcript or a table or report created using post-processing tools.
  • Additional fields appear in the CAplus / HCAplus / ZCAplus displays for basic patents based on the type of display and view you select. The BIB display includes the PatentPak Patent Information (PPPI) field. The STD and ALL displays include the PPPI and PatentPak Location (PPAK) fields.
    • PatentPak Patent Information (PPPI) - lists Patent Family members that have PatentPak support.
    • PatentPak Location (PPAK) - lists Registry numbers and page numbers marked in the document. Active Registry numbers and page numbers can be found listed with the field information.

      Enhanced View ON
      Enhanced View OFF
  • Use PDF/FA in your search query to restrict the CAplus answer set to patent records having PDFs.
  • Use PPAK/FA in your search query to restrict the CAplus answer set to patent records having the PatentPak PDF+ and/or PatentPak Interactive links available.
  • Use HITPPAK at the end of your display command to highlight the Registry number, chemical name, and page number of the query compound listed in the PatentPak Location (PPAK) field. The compound appears below the full set of PatentPak Location (PPAK) compounds in the ALL and STD displays. Only the compound appears when using the BIB display, not the full PatentPak Location (PPAK) list.

    For example:

    Enhanced View ON Enhanced View OFF (Classic View)
    STNext-HITPPAK-EnhancedOn.png STNext-HITPPAK-EnhancedOff.png

Full Text Button/Link

Via the Full Text button/link, you may view additional options for accessing a patent document (e.g., ESPACENET).

Enhanced View


Classic View (Enhanced OFF)

