FRFULL, the full text patent database covering patent applications, granted patents, and utility models published in France, has been reloaded, effective December 2024. The many content enhancements and new search options bring FRFULL into line with other recently reloaded full text patent databases on STNext, ensuring a more consistent user experience.
Two new search and display fields focusing on claims enable a more precise retrieval of terms in the English claims text. Terms in the independent claims may be searched in the /CLM.IC field and claim groups, i.e., an independent claim and its related dependent claims, in the /CLM.CG field. See HELP CLAIMS for details.
The detailed description in English is now indexed in its own search field /DETDEN which allows a more precise search.
Current owners of a patent application are searchable in the new fields Ultimate Owner (/UO) and Ultimate Owner Standardized (/UOS).
Standardized and normalized patent assignee names are searchable in the fields /PAS and /PAN. For more details, see HELP PAN.
Information about related WO publications is now searchable in the /RLPN, /RLPC, /RLPD, and /RLPY fields.
The FRFULL Database Summary Sheet at: has been updated to reflect these enhancements.
December 18, 2024: FRFULL Reload Offers New Search Options and Content Enhancements
- Updated