CA Section Thesaurus

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Use the CA section thesaurus in CASM/CAplusSM on STNext to quickly find information on how any of the CA sections may have changed from 1907 to the present. The CA section thesaurus is available in the Classification Code (/CC) field. You may EXPAND on a CA section number or a CA section title to find preferred (USE) terms.

The following relationship codes may be used with the EXPAND or SEARCH command.

Relationship Code and Definition Content
ALL (All associated terms) CA section grouping (BT), SELF, CA section content note (NOTE), section history note (HNTE), previously used sections (OLD), current section (CUR), more recent, but not current, section (REPL), subsections for CA sections from 1972 to the present (NT)
BT (Broader Terms) CA section grouping (BT), SELF
CUR (Current Terms) SELF, current section (CUR)
HIE (Hierarchy) CA section grouping (BT), SELF, subsections for CA sections from 1972 to the present (NT)
HIS (History) SELF, section history note (HNTE), current section (CUR), previously used sections (OLD), more recent, but not current, section (REPL)
HNTE (History Note) SELF, section history note (HNTE)
KT (Keyword Terms) SELF, thesaurus terms containing the SELF term (KT)
NOTE (Notes) SELF, CA section content note (NOTE), section history note (HNTE)
NT (Narrower Terms) SELF, subsections for CA sections from 1972 to the present (NT)
OLD (Old Terms) SELF, previously used sections (OLD)
REPL (Replacing Terms) SELF, more recent, but not current, section (REPL)
RT (Related Terms) SELF, related concurrently existing sections (RT)
STD (Standard Terms) CA section grouping (BT), SELF, section history note (HNTE), CA section content note (NOTE), subsections for CA sections from 1972 to the present (NT)
UF (Used For) SELF, nonpreferred terms or sections (UF)
USE (Use) SELF, preferred terms (USE)

Example Use Cases

Example 1: Find all CA sections whose content corresponds to the current CA section 57.

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  1. Enter CAPLUS
  2. EXPAND on a CA section number in the Classification Code (/CC) field
  3. To find all associated terms for E3, EXPAND on E3 followed by +ALL. USE terms are the preferred thesaurus terms, i.e., the sections numbered 57, with their titles and the time period when they were used.
  4. EXPAND on an E-number for the preferred term for the section covering CERAMICS (E2). Use the relationship code +HIS to display the history of the sections covering CERAMICS.
  5. Search the E-numbers for the sections of interest.

Example 2: Find all CA sections whose content corresponds to the current CA section titled CERAMICS.

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  1. EXPAND on a CA section title in the Classification Code (/CC) field
  2. To find all associated terms for E3, EXPAND on E3 followed by +ALL. USE terms are the preferred thesaurus terms, i.e., the sections titled CERAMICS, with their section numbers, and the time period when they were used.
  3. EXPAND on an E-number with the relationship code +HIS to display the history of the sections covering CERAMICS.


For more information: Enter HELP THESAURUS and HELP RCODES at an arrow prompt in CA/CAplus for more information about using thesauri.

Solution images are included for illustrative purposes only. Your experience may vary based on recent enhancements or product license.