STNext features standardized search field codes and formats for searching patent databases. Key search fields are documented herein.
The CASM/CAplusSM family of files and the Derwent World Patents Index® files offer the ability to restrict your searches to the Basic patent. To do so, append .B to the field code. Example: search the Application Country of the Basic patent using the AC.B field code.
Numerous patent classification systems are also available for patent searching by subject. The IPC and CPC systems are available in all patent family databases (CAplus, Derwent World Patents Index and INPAFAMDB) and in the full text patent databases. The US NCL system and the ECLA/ICO systems were replaced by the CPC in 2013 but classifications from the old systems have been retained in STNext patent databases. The Japanese F-Term classifications are available in a few databases. Check the Database Summary Sheet of the database of interest.
Field Name | Field Code | Example |
Application Country | /AC | => S DE/AC |
Application Date | /AD | => S AD>20181015 => S 20181015/AD => S OCT 15 2018/AD |
Application Number | /AP | => S GB89-10293/AP => S 1989GB-00010293/AP => S GB 2024-965/AP => S 2024GB-965/AP |
Application Year | /AY | => S 2023/AY => S AY=2023 |
Claims | /CLM | => S COBALT/CO |
Detailed Description1 | /DETDEN | => S OFFICE CHAIR/DETDEN |
Inventor | /IN | => S THURMAN R?/IN |
Patent Assignee | /PA | => S DOW CORNING/PA => S CORNING/PA |
Patent Assignee Code2 | /PACO | => S PIPE-N/PACO |
Patent Assignee Normalized1 | /PAN | => S IBM/PAN |
Patent Assignee Standardized1 | /PAS | => INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES/PAS |
Patent Country | /PC | => S US/PC |
Patent Number | /PN | => S EP0100382/PN => S EP-4359644/PN => S EP4359644/PN |
Patent Number Kind Code | /PNK | => US10238732 B2/PNK |
Priority Country | /PRC | => S JP/PRC |
Priority Date | /PRD | => S 20230419/PRD => S PRD>=APR 19, 2023 => S PRD>=20230419 |
Priority Number | /PRN | => S 1988US-000252525/PRN => S US88-252525/PRN => S US1988-252525/PRN => S JP2023-100042/PRN => S 2023JP-100042/PRN |
Priority Year | /PRY | => S PRY<2019 => S 2022-2023/PRY |
Publication Date | /PD | => S PD>=MAY 25 2023 => S PD>=20230524 => S 20230525/PD |
Patent Status Indicator | /PSPI (/STI) | => S DEAD/STI => S D/STI |
Publication Year | /PY | => S 2022-2023/PY => S PY>=2023 |
Patent Status Indicator | /STI (/PSPI) | => S DEAD/STI => S D/STI |
Ultimate Owner1 | /UO | => S SUN MOBILITY |
Ultimate Owner Standardized1 | /UOS | => S SUN MOBILITY PTE LTD |
1 Not available in all files. Check HELP SFIELDS or the Database Summary Sheet of your file to
determine availability.
2 Specific to the Derwent files: WPINDEX, WPIDS, and WPIX.
Super Search Fields
Use super search fields to run searches automatically in multiple related fields.
Field Name | Field Code | Example |
Application Number Group | /APPS | => S GB 2024-965/APPS => S 2024GB-965/APPS |
Patent Number Group | /PATS | => S EP0100382/PATS => S EP-4359644/PATS => S EP4359644/PATS |
Patent Countries Group | /PCS | => S US/PCS |
For more information: Refer to HELP SFIELDS and to the Database Summary Sheets for specific patent files.