November 25, 2019

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PatentPak® Now Available in USPATFULL/USPAT2 on STNext®

Effective November 24, 2019, STN customers licensing PatentPak will gain access to PatentPak information in chemistry and chemistry-relevant patents in USPATFULL and USPAT2 on STNext. Customers who do not yet have access to PatentPak should contact their local service center for licensing information.

PatentPak is an integrated workflow solution designed to radically reduce time spent acquiring and searching through full-text patents to find vital chemistry insights. The addition of PatentPak into USPATFULL and USPAT2 makes the process of locating chemical information within US patents more efficient.

The new PatentPak information includes PatentPak links and the PPAK (PatentPak location) field.

Up to three links appear at the top of each PatentPak-enhanced record: PatentPak PDF (provides the original clean PDF), PatentPak PDF+ (the PDF supplemented by a table with the chemistry indexed from the patent), and PatentPak Interactive (an interactive version of the patent full-text that highlights the specific location where each indexed substance is discussed). Note that the popular STD and BIB display formats are among the formats enhanced with PatentPak links.

Each update of USPATFULL and USPAT2 will include new PatentPak information. At launch, about 2.2 M records in USPATFULL records have been enhanced with PatentPak PDFs (PDF/FA), while over 600K also have PatentPak+ and/or PatentPak Interactive information (PPAK/FA). In USPAT2, there are links to over 1 million PDFs, and over 56K records also include PatentPak+ and/or PatentPak Interactive links.

The new PPAK field in relevant USPATFULL and USPAT2 records provides the Registry Numbers, page reference, and as available, chemical name for each substance indexed in CAplus for that patent. The following existing display formats have been updated to include the new PPAK field:


In addition, the following new display formats provide both PatentPak links and the PPAK field:

  • SPP (the STD format enhanced with the new PPAK field and PatentPak links)
  • ISPP (the SPP format with text labels)
  • BPP (the BIB format enhanced with the PPAK field and PatentPak links)
  • IBPP (the BPP format with text labels)

A HITPPAK display format also has been added. Adding HITPPAK to your display command (e.g., = > d STD HITPPAK) provides the CAS Registry Number, chemical name, as available, and page reference for only the substance(s) that was searched. Use the page link in the HITPPAK display to navigate effortlessly within the patent to the spot where your substance is discussed.

HELP PPAK in both USPATFULL and USPAT2 provides key information about PatentPak in these databases. In addition, the Database Summary Sheets for USPATFULL: ( and USPAT2 ( have been updated to reflect the PatentPak enhancements.


To further improve the newest STNext database, a number of enhancements to CAS FORMULATIONS have been released. These include:

  • More Indented display formats - In addition to IBIB, the ICHEM, IPRODUCT, ICHPR and IALL display formats are now also available. In these formats, field codes are replaced by their explanation (e.g., instead of IN, INVENTOR).
  • More values in the FA (Field Availability) field: Component Name (CNM/FA), Formulation Description (FD/FA), Product Name Type Value (PNV/FA), Group Vocabulary (GVO/FA), Component Vocabulary (CVO/FA), Registry Number (RN/FA), Group Function (GFU/FA), and Component Function (CFU/FA). Search CNM/FA to find records which include information in the CNM field.
  • Search for Registry Numbers in the RN supersearch field. Enter an RN of interest, and the results will be provided for postings in the Group RN (/GRPRN) field, the Component RN (/CMPRN) field and the Solvent RN (/SOLRN) field. (Solvent RNs identify substances that must be added to a formulation to activate it into a product, and are distinct from solvents which may be part of a formulation.)