2019 Version of MEDLINE Now Available on STN®
The 2019 MEDLINE reload was completed on January 26, 2019. There were no new fields introduced in this reload.
The 2019 MeSH thesaurus is available as a source of terminology for your searches. This year, there were more than 360 new MeSH headings, including:
- 106 new MeSH headings for heterocyclic compounds
- 22 new MeSH headings for polycyclic compounds
- 97 new MeSH headings for organic chemicals
- 9 new MeSH headings for inorganic chemicals
This year, 9 MeSH headings were deleted and replaced with more up-to-date terminology.
Please review your Alert (SDI) strategies or saved searches that contain any of these terms, they must be updated to use the new term, or there will be a negative impact on retrieval.
See details of the 2019 MeSH changes at https://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/whatsnew.html