September 2021 Update to Emtree® Now Available on STN
The latest version of the Emtree thesaurus launched in Embase on STN on September 12, 2021. Emtree remains a great resource for the latest terminology in biomedicine, pharmacology and medical devices.
The latest Emtree version adds 92 new drug terms and 589 non-drug terms, including 37 new medical device terms. The thesaurus now contains about 90,776 preferred terms and more than 493,000 synonyms. Highlights of the new version include expanded terminology related to COVID-19 complications and variants, vaccination complications, as well as enhancements to the terminologies and hierarchies for meningitis,encephalitis, and thrombocytopenia. Revision and expansion of zoonosis is completed with this release.
Customers running Alerts in Embase are encouraged to review the latest additions and changes to Emtree to determine whether their search strategies should be updated to ensure continued comprehensive retrieval. A repository of Emtree Release Notes, as well as lists of Added and Changed Emtree terms, can be found at: