Analytical Abstracts Enhancements Increase Value to Users
The Analytical Abstracts database (file label ANABSTR), covering the worldwide literature on analytical chemistry, has been reloaded. The database is produced by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Key enhancements include:
- The addition of Numeric Property Searching for 59 physical and chemical properties. See HELP NPS for further information.
- Simultaneous left and right truncation (SLART) is now available not only in the basic index (/BI) but also in the title (/TI) field and in the new search field for the abstract (/AB).
- Chemical names for analyte and matrix are now indexed in separate search fields, /CNA and /CNM.
- Additional predefined formats are now available: DALL (ALL with delimiter), IALL, and IBIB (indented with field names), and SCAN.
The updated database summary sheet for Analytical Abstracts is now available at:
New Version of the EPFULL (European Patent Full Text Database) Launched on STN
A new version of the EPFULL database for patent applications from the European Patent Organisation launched April 12, 2021. EPFULL now uses data from the provider LexisNexis Univentio.
New features and content add value for EPFULL users. Full text is now available for the complete file back to 1978. Highlights include:
- Numeric property searching for 59 chemical and physical properties (see HELP NPS within the database)
- CPC classification codes including CPC reclassifications (/IPCR) and CPC combination sets (see HELP CPC)
- Key Terms to support efficient full text searching and results evaluation (see HELP KEY)
- Standardized and normalized patent assignee names (/PAS and /PAN, respectively). See HELP PAN for further information. The patent assignee name as originally reported (/PA) continues to be available.
- Separate update date for the full text (/UPTX)
- Additional bibliographic information: related application Information (RLI), and original patent (/PNO), application (/APO) and priority numbers (/PRNO)
A flyer with additional information is available at:
The updated database summary sheet for EPFULL is available at: