September 22, 2022

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CAS STNext Structure Editor Update Preserves Functionality, Increases Flexibility

The CASDraw structure editor used in CAS STNext now has a new, more modern appearance! All previous functionality has been preserved. Here are a few of the key changes:

A new button bar is located by default to the right of the Structure drawing tool. It includes the structure drawing previously at the bottom of the structure options that were drawing palette, such as common atoms, bonds, and ring structures.

Both the left and right button bars can be dragged and dropped wherever you want them to appear.

Click the H (Hydrogen) button for D (Deuterium) and T (Tritium).

The Halogen icon allows you to add common halogens F, Cl, Br and I to your structures.

Click the Double Bond icon to add Double Bonds, Triple Bonds and Unspecified Bonds to your structures.

Use the Stereochemistry icon to add Stereo Bond Up, Stereo Bond Down, Double Stereo Bond Up and Double Stereo Bond Down to your structures.

Select less common atoms like Mg or Ti for your structure from the new Periodic Table icon (on the left button bar).

A video at provides a guided tour of the updated structure drawing interface. Please take a moment to have a look!