February 28, 2022

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MEDLINE® Reloaded and MeSH Thesaurus Updated for 2022 on STNext

The 2022 MEDLINE reload on STNext was completed on February 26, 2022. Records with updated indexing are now available in the file. No new fields were introduced in this reload.

At the same time, MEDLINE records included within Toxcenter were also updated. Finally, MEDLINE terminology used in indexing of diseases in BIOSIS also was made current.

Prior to the reload, the 2022 MeSH thesaurus was made available within MEDLINE. The annual MeSH update provides access to the latest terminology in biomedicine and is a tremendous resource for online searchers, along with the CAS Lexicon and Embases Emtree thesaurus.

The updated MeSH contains 30,194 main headings, including 277 new headings. Some of the topics covered by the new headings include:

  • COVID-19 related terms
  • disease terminology
  • population groups
  • social determinants of health

To see a list of the new terms with their scope notes, visit: https://nlm.nih.gov/mesh/2022/download/2022NewheadingsbycategorywithScopeNotes.pdf

If you are running Alerts (SDIs) in MEDLINE, we recommend reviewing them to see if the terminology in them should be expanded or replaced, based on the introduction of the new MeSH.

Biosequences Now Being Covered in PatentPak® to Support Life Sciences Researchers

PatentPak is an integrated workflow solution designed to radically reduce time spent acquiring and searching through full-text patents to find vital insights. While its initial focus was chemistry and small molecules, its coverage is now being expanded to include the locations of biosequences within patents. This expansion will help serve the growing number of life scientists using STNext to accelerate the development of the products of tomorrow.

The coverage expansion takes effect with 2022 updates, and will result in comprehensive coverage of the protein and nucleotide sequences discussed in patents going forward. In addition, biosequences identified in patents from earlier years will also be included, as available.

PatentPak is available in H/Z/CAplus, as well as in USPATFULL and USPAT2, on STNext. If you dont already have access, contact your CAS representative to begin taking advantage of this valuable tool.