July 1, 2020

  • Updated
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Sort Files by Ascending/Descending Name

Users may now sort files by ascending or descending name on the My Files > Transcripts, Scripts, and Structures pages:

  • Name: Ascending - Returns the user to the first page and sorts files in numerical and alphabetical order, with files starting with numbers being displayed first then descending in the order A to Z.
  • Name: Descending - Returns the user to the first page and sorts files in reverse numerical and alphabetical order, with files starting with Z being displayed first then descending in the order Z to A followed by files starting with numbers.

Note: The exception to this sorting option is the Transcripts page, where the active transcript is always displayed first.

Sort Files by Newest/Oldest Modification Date

Users may now sort files by modification date on the My Files > Transcripts, Scripts, and Structures pages:

  • Date Modified: Newest - Returns the user to the first page and sorts files by last updated date, with the newest asset being displayed first.
  • Date Modified: Oldest - Returns the user to the first page and sorts files by last updated date, with the oldest asset being displayed first.

Note: The exception to this sorting option is the Transcripts page, where the active transcript is always displayed first.