You may filter sequence results by any combination of the following:
- CDR Matching: The number of query CDRs present in the subject sequence.
- Sequence Length: The subject sequence minimum and maximum length range. Pre-populates with the lowest and highest values in the result set. Note: Decimals and non-numeric characters are not accepted.
- Query Identity %: The number of exact matches in the alignment (identity) relative to the query length.
- Query Coverage %: The alignment length (including mismatches) relative to the query.
- Subject Coverage %: The alignment length (including mismatches) relative to the subject.
- Subject Identity %: The number of exact matches in the alignment (identity) relative to the subject length.
Organism: Organism names with the count of NCBI results associated with the Organism listed.
In the example below, we'll first filter by the number of sequences by clicking a portion of the CDR Matching Venn diagram. Selecting the middle 1,246 sequences will require all three CDRs be present on one chain. This is true for any overlap you select.
Note: There is no way to specify the match to only be light or heavy chain. The numbers displayed in the CDR Matching filter depend on how a sequence has been indexed based on the way the source document presents the information: if the source has a light chain connected to a heavy chain, it may appear in the result as one long chain. There are also Registry Numbers that are multi-chain registrations as well as light- or heavy-chain only registrations.
Click the Apply button.
Next, we'll filter the 1,246 results that have all three CDRs sequences by a Subject Identity % of 3 to 4 down to 120 results.
The result set is now filtered down to 120 results that have CDR 1, CDR2, and CDR3 present in the subject query and a Subject Identity % between 3 and 4.